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Unique Sub Surface Irrigation System

Concipium has participated in creation of a unique sub surface Irrigation System. The system will save up to 90% water in comparision to traditional irrigation technics. The system is easy of use and are not sensitive to the use of recyled water. The need of electricity is minimized due to the construction i.e. no need of pumps to supply the system with water

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Innovative Health Distribution

Concipium has carried out a distribution analysis of the healthcare sector during 24 months and as a result of this started a new health care distribution model. This model is to be implemented in Abrigio in late 2006.  

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Road Map to France

A market strategy for a Swedish software company was conducted in France. A complete study relieved the pro and cons for our clients further activities in France.

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High Pressure Truck Company in Romania

Partnering in a successfull startup in Romania. A complete study and Strategy was carried out for an green field start up of a sewer services based on High pressure truck.

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Innovative Health Services

Development of a new market for the growing health services. We have conducted market research, innovation processes and produced business plans and financial calculations to our client. The concept has gotten an preliminary approval from FI (finansinspektionen in Sweden).

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Clean Water Project

A "buy out" project has been carried out on a Swedish clean water patent. Market studies and financial modelling was carried out in co-operation with international water experts.

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